Friday, January 13, 2006

All Canadian politicians, indeed all the politicians in the whole wide world, are cordially invited to observe World Day of Conscience

A couple of days ago I quite spontaneously sent out a quite humorous, but also perfectly sincere, invitation to current Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, and all the members of the federal Liberal Party of Canada, to participate in World Day of Conscience. I did this by judiciously using the Liberal Party of Canada's online contact web page.

Here is how it all came about. . . I had wanted to contact a friend of mine to invite him and his spiritual ecologist activist friends to do some brainstorming for World Day of Conscience. I spoke to him on the phone and got his email address and then I Googled his name to verify his email address. He is a member of the Green Party of Canada and it just so happened that the number one result in Google for a search on his name was the Green Party of Canada's official web page. At the time there was a message saying that the Green Party was a political party that was neither left nor right in ideology but mainly interested in promoting good ideas.

Since I happen to believe that World Day of Conscience is a really good idea whose time has come, if not long overdue. . . I spontaneously used the Green Party of Canada's online contact web page to send them an invitation to participate in the observance of World Day of Conscience on March 29th, 2006. Having done that I decided to invite the federal Liberals too. I had intended to contact the other political parties in a similar manner but I had other things to take care of and have not yet specifically invited their participation. Of course since everyone in the whole wide world is invited to observe World Day of Conscience, all Canadian politicians and all politicians all around the world are already invited anyway. . . To date I have not received any response from either the Liberal Party of Canada or the Green Party of Canada even though I specifically asked for a confirmation of receipt in my communications. I am sure that they are all very busy right now and responding to invitations to observe World Day of Conscience is not their highest priority at the moment. . .

I figure that today is as good a day as any to make these two initial semi-formal invitations to Canadian politicians to participate in World Day of Conscience public on the World Day of Conscience blog. ;-) Some Canadian federal politicians are definitely going to need some *luck* on January 23, 2006. . .

I hereby once again cordially, openly, and publicly invite current Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and all members of the Liberal Party of Canada to help raise world consciousness to what Paul Martin and other human beings quite justifiably call "global conscience" by liberally supporting and participating in observations of World Day of Conscience in Canada and around the world on March 29th, 2006. I really would deeply appreciate it if Paul Martin would be so kind as to invite his friend Bono and U2 to help rock the conscience of the world, in the company of many other prophetic musicians, during the first observation of World Day of Conscience and future ones.

Jim Harris and all the members of the Green Party of Canada are cordially invited to help turn Canada and the whole wide world green with Global Conscience, Ecological Wisdom, Social Justice, Participatory Democracy, Non-Violence, Sustainability and Respect for Diversity on March 29th, 2006 when the total solar eclipse "Eye of God" metaphorically looks from the down on our blue, and indeed green and other fine colors, planet.

Heureusement not so Ol' Blue Eyes Gilles Duceppe et le Bloc Quebecois sont cordialement invités à observer le premier Jour de la Conscience Mondiale par consciencieusement penser et parler d'amour et la justice. Deux fois plus fort que les maudites de bons anglos comme moi. . . ;-)

Jumpin' Jack Layton is hereby officially invited to hit the road and strum a few appropriate prophetic songs on his guitar during the observance of World Day of Conscience on March 29th, 2006 in the hope of getting results for people all around this world of ours. All New Democratic Party goers are invited to drum up a storm of left-wing conscience.

Stephen Harper and all Canadian Conservatives are cordially invited to stand up for conscience, accountability, opportunity, security, family, community and unity as well as some real change of heart. . . Canadian Conservatives can most certainly help the first observation of World Day of Conscience fly right in the True North Strong And Free by bringing some well-balanced right-wing conscience to the inaugural observance on March 29th, 2006.

My own personal political and ideological bias will be quite evident from the content of the communications reproduced below. I call upon all Canadian voters to vote with their consciences, vote strategically, and get out and vote on January 23, 2006.

Democracy is like your conscience.

If you don't use it you just may well lose it. . .

To the Screener -

Please do not censor or suppress this communication and take steps to ensure that my expression here is freely expressed to Prime Minister Paul Martin ASAP.

I am using my well-developed sense of Canuck humor here but please believe me when I say that I am very serious about what I am relating below.

Thank you,

Robin Edgar

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Dear fellow small 'L' liberals.

Greetings from somewhere in Soviet Canuckistan aka the True North Strong and Free. ;-)

Will someone please see to it that Paul Martin sees hard copy of this ASAP. . .

BTW I did not rip him off, this idea has been gestating in my mind for a few years now and I was quite blissfully unaware of his use of the term "global conscience" when I put my initial proposal of World Day of Conscience on the internet on December 30th, 2005. I guess it just shows how out of touch I am with the real world but I was doing some heavy duty brain-storming in December and was not paying too much attention to political news. ;-)

Here is a good idea for Paul Martin and the Liberal Party of Canada, or at least the individual members of the Liberal Party of Canada, to seriously consider participating in, supporting and spreading around a bit. . .

Believe it or not I even considered calling 'World Day of Conscience' 'Global Day of Conscience' but decided that World Day of Conscience was better all round and translates better into French.

i.e. Jour de la Conscience Mondiale

Do you think that Paul Martin might give me a cabinet position if I join the Liberal Party? ;-)

I really would like Bono and U2 to participate in World Day of Conscience on March 29th, 2006 and subsequent occasions so I am asking Paul Martin to please call his friend Bono and run this by him sooner rather than later. . . Time is of the essence, as is acting on your conscience both locally and globally.

Paul Martin is hereby personally invited to observe the first World Day of Conscience with me and others on March 29th, 2006. Where there is a will there is a way. With any luck, and a bit of will we will be in Western Egypt with Bono and a whole lot of other prophetic musicians in attendance to observe World Day of Conscience under the total solar eclipse "Eye of God" and indeed the "Eye of Horus". With a bit more luck Horus and the proverbial Phoenix will put in an appearance too.

This communiqu-eh is quite spontaneous and I will be following it up with rather more formal communications in the coming days and weeks. I would appreciate it if I received an email confirmation of receipt of this communication from the Liberal Party and even a wink and a nod from Prime Minister Paul Martin if possible.

Good luck in the election. It looks like you just might need some right now but as I said where there is a will there is a way. . . Keep this in mind.

Best Regards

Robin Edgar

P.S. My virtual credentials -


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